School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) is a proactive approach based on a three-tiered model of prevention and intervention aimed at creating safe and effective schools. Emphasis is placed on teaching and reinforcing important social skills and data-based problem-solving to address existing behavior concerns. SWPBS is being implemented in thousands of schools across the country and has been demonstrated to reduce discipline problems and increase time for instruction.

PBIS at Weiss

Positive Behavior Support will allow us the opportunity to provide a consistent and fair behavior plan. The original theories behind this approach to discipline were developed by special education instructors. However, the benefits of this type of plan are beneficial to ALL students. Research shows us that students achieve at a higher level when they know the expectations and feel safe. Positive Behavior Support will help us improve both of these. Our plan provides detailed expectations in every area of the school while putting an extreme emphasis on safety. The success of our plan will improve with time and with the participation of our families. Research also shows us that school behavior plans that are followed in the home greatly improve their effectiveness in the school. Our plan will focus on three areas: 1) Respect 2) Responsibility 3) Safety